Sexart holiday on mykonos episode 3

Join SexArt’s hot models on location for part three of "Holiday On Mykonos," as they prepare for a gokart race. Director Andrej Lupin captures all the fun as gorgeous Nancy A, Melody Petite and Alexis Crystal take on the guys. Melody is the winner, and ready to celebrate, she asks Nancy if she can borrow some sex toys. She chooses a special vibrator and Nancy offers to help her use it, drizzling lube over the luscious folds of her pussy, then stroking the vibrator against her clit. Cute Melody loves the intense sensations as Nancy starts to lick her juicedup pussy, lapping at her clit slowly and delicately, then thrusting two fingers inside her, giving her a powerful orgasm. It makes Nancy so horny she needs to cum too, so Melody uses a fat vibrator to stimulate her clit, then licks her skilfully as she feeds the toy into her tight pussy.