Sexy family scrapbook photoshoot

Kyra Rose is a sexy teen barista who did not have a ride home after work. She was sitting outside in the cold until she saw a familiar car pass by. It was her stepuncle! He offered her a ride and started talking to her about work. He found out she was not making much money at all. He then suggested that maybe she come model for him at his studio! Kyra did not think she was very pretty, but stepuncle insisted otherwise. Kyra decided to give it a shot. She got set up with some skimpy lingerie and began to get shot. Stepuncle was super professional and helpful. He then handed her some cash and convinced Kyra to take some topless shots. The offer kept getting higher and higher until it got to the point where stepuncle was paying to fuck her and shoot it! Kyra not only slobbered on his cock, but she also had her tight pussy pounded and her mouth filled with a heaping helping of family jizz.